Adapter E is used with the SW-5 Side Winder tool to troubleshoot Emerson ECM motors. The Adapter simply plugs in to the end of the SideWinder's harness. After inserting the adapter, simply test as normal.
Diagnosing which section of an ECM motor that has a problem has never been easier.
The SideWinder is easy to use! Using the tool's first test, by rotating the motor shaft, causes the motor to generate a back-EMF voltage, which is displayed by the phase LEDs. Comparing the brightness of these LEDs shows how the three phases are working. The second test checks for any shorts or grounds between any of the windings and motor frame. The 3 LEDs display any faults.
Flyer for the SideWinder, Full-color flyers that you may imprint with your Distributor information. These flyers are sent at no charge with your order of any other Zebra Products.